How to Gain Access to the HSI Platform (Internal Ontario Health Users)

Designated Ontario Health (OH) team members are invited to access the HSI platform and its dashboards.  The process and steps for gaining access to dashboards 

HSI Registration

Existing HSI users may start at step 4.

  1. Navigate to the HSI platform:
  2. Click the Ontario Health button to login.
  3. Complete the Welcome Wizard
    1. Read and acknowledge the HSI End User License Agreement (EULA).
    2. Select the dashboards you need access to from the list (Note: There may be some dashboards not available in the list, see step 5 for details).
    3. Your registration is complete upon confirming  profile details. Proceed to step 4. 
      Tip: Upon registration completion, you immediately have the ability to tour a fictitious surgery dashboard to familiarize yourself to the look and feel of the platform.

Domain Sponsor Approval

  1. Email the appropriate Domain Sponsor (see list below) and CC your manager with the following details:
    1. "HSI Access" in the subject line
    2. Name(s) of the dashboard(s) you wish to access
    3. How your access is related to your role
  2. If the Domain Sponsor approves your request, they will submit their approval to the OH Help Desk and your request will be processed through the ticketing system.  
    Note: Criteria for approving and declining requests are at the discretion of the Domain Sponsor. If your request is declined, the Domain Sponsor will respond with the rationale for declining the request.

Domain Sponsor List

HSI Dashboard

Domain Sponsor

Alternate Level of Care

Candice Tam

Cecilia Jy

Bed Management - Bed Capacity

Bed Management - Long Term Care

Chris Lau

Stephen Petersen

Cancer Care (Regional Survivorship Report, Palliative Performance Summary Report)

Munaza Chaudhry

Colleen Fox


Deanna Wu

Diagnostic Imaging

Claudia Zanchetta

ED Closures

Carolyn Farquharson

ED Performance versus Pre-Pandemic Projection

Claudia Zanchetta

eOrdering KPI (OLIS)

Robert Wyllie

Mitchell Richard


Not yet available

Mental Health and Addictions

Terra Cadeau


Claudia Zanchetta

OH Help Desk Processes Ticket

  1. Once the OH Help Desk processes the ticket and access is granted, you will receive an email confirming access. You may login and view approved dashboard(s).

Note:  Access information for external users can be found in: How to Gain Access to the HSI Platform (External Users)





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