Bed Capacity Management Filters

Filters let you refine the data shown in the tiles. There is a page selector that uses a filter to navigate to different pages. Each page has additional filters; examples include Region, Sub-Region, Facility, Site, Service, Bed Type, and Census Date Range. Applying a filter affects the data displayed. To return to the default view, click the Reset button.

The 5 types of filters are:

  1. Page Selector
  2. Buttons
  3. Multi-select 
  4. Single-select 
  5. Date Range

Page Selector

The page selector is used to navigate between pages within the Bed Capacity Management application. To switch to another page:

  1. Click the drop-down arrow. Use the scroll bar to view the entire list.
  2. Select a page.
  3. Click Go.


Button filters can be applied by clicking on them. To remove the filter, click another button.


Multi-select filters allow you to pick multiple selections. Multi-select filters are identified by a square checkbox. The default is All.

To select multiple options:

  1. Click the drop-down icon to expand the list.
  2. Find the item(s) you want to select. You can:
    1. Search using the Search box and click Enter.
      To clear your search delete your search term and click Enter again.
    2. Browse the list. Expand the levels using the Expand/Collapse  icon 
  3. Select the first filter
  4. Hold down the CTRL key to select additional filters
  5. The filters are applied automatically
  6. To clear the filters, hover over the filter header and click the Clear selections  icon that appears.


Single-select filters allow you to pick a single selection. Single-select filters are identified by a round radio button.The default is All.

To select an option:

  1. Click the drop-down icon to expand the list.
  2. Find the item you want to select. You can:
    1. Search using the Search box and click Enter.
      To clear your search delete your search term and click Enter again.
    2. Browse the list.  
  3. Select the filter
  4. The filter is applied automatically
  5. To clear the filters, hover over the filter header and click the Clear selections  icon that appears.

Date Range

Date range filters let you apply a date range to the data. 

To apply a range:

  1. Drag the sliders for the dates you want to review. For most tables (or point in time visuals), the end date represents the data shown.

  2. Click the Calendar icon to navigate to the date you want.


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